Running Methods

Let's talk about running methods. Are you sloppy?, do you not pick up your knees?, are you tense when you stride, do you get cramps? fatigue quickly?,do you get blisters?, shin splint's?, dry throat?, are you off balance? Get horribly sore? If any of this applies to you than you're in the right spot I will help you overcome these challenges.

Let's cover being sloppy and having bad posture
When you practice bad posture or sloppiness while running you utilize more muscles and bodily reserves that you need to keep moving, one of the worst things you can do while training is drag your feet and look downward which is both sloppy and an example of bad posture, when you do this you make it harder on your body to utilize the right muscles in your legs to keep you moving, when you run you want your body to be an Axis with your feet, meaning you want to be as straight up and down as possible, pretend that there are strings attached to your shoulders keeping them upright this will alleviate your muscles and allow you to run further with less fatigue.

Be At Ease, It's not all that bad.
If you are tense when running, like mentioned above, your body utilizes more muscles than it has to, to complete the task at hand, depleting your resources, and tiring you faster. When you run pretend that your arms and jaw are made of Jello, kinda go with the flow let them jiggle and wiggle around it may sound silly, and look funny at first but soon you will notice not being tense makes you feel like you can go that extra mile without gassing out.

If you are the type to get horrible cramps short into your run, consider you're breathing as a major factor, breathing incorrectly while running is the leading cause of side pain, and cramps.
1. Do not let your breaths get shallow (this causes your diaphragm not to expand and retract properly causing cramps)
2.Belly Breath!(Take monster deep breaths so that you feel it in your belly)
3.While exhaling purse your lips and push out (this causes your diaphragm to retract properly)
4.Count your breaths using your steps (such as 3 steps for 1 complete breathing cycle, whichever is more comfortable for you)
5.Listen to your body, Concentrate On your breathing technique. Soon enough your side pains while running will be no more!

Side Note: if you listen to music while you run, try leaving the ol' I-pod at home and listening to your stride, focus in on yourself, and your technique, improve on what you think needs improving.

Blisters:This is a fast cure, when I started running I made the mistake of using my everyday socks, thus rendering my feet full of blisters OUCH!!! The easy fix is DO NOT WEAR COTTON, go to a specialty running shop and purchase a nice pair of all silk socks.

Shin Splints or
(Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome):I'm Sure that most of you know that shin splints hurt like the dickens (lol yes I said Dickens) Some of the Major reasons for getting them are Overload: Running Up-hill and Down-Hill for long distances, Training on uneven ground, beginning intensive training after long periods of time off, Increasing excessive intensity or duration too quickly, rocking shabby shoes (if theres duct-tape on them toss 'em already lol).
Prevention: Shin splint prevention includes, warming up lightly, stretching lightly, and engaging in muscle flexibility exercises for your legs.
Treatment:Shin Splint treatment is simple follow this rule R.I.C.E.R
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Referral.Plus heat and massage. You should be feeling tip top and running again in no time.

Dry Throat:lol Don't leave your mouth open silly. No really before your run plop a piece of gum in your mouth, chew it a few, then let it rest in the back of your mouth against the cheek.this will help your mouth salivate, and keep it and the throat from getting dry.

Off Balance:If you feel off balance or clumsy when you run, it is most likely due to a muscular deficiency in one or more areas of your body. Take notice, does your left arm naturally swing more than the right. does your right foot step further than your left. If so try strapping a sandbag or carrying a weight on the weak side while you run, after some time it will balance out perfectly.

Gahhh!! AHHH!!! SORE!!!! The reason we get sore is because we are using muscles we haven't used in a long time, at least this vigorously, when we are done running the lactic acid produced from running settles into our muscles thus making them sore later on. The simple cure is Don't stretch before running, wait intill after and stretch really good at that point, this breaks up the lactic acid trying to settle, making it harder for you to get sore.